The table below shows various ways of presenting non-standard characters in HTML documents.  Most modern browsers will support the various ways of presenting the characters, but you may want to experiment, including accessing your Web document from different computers and using different browsers.

    These special characters may not appear properly if you design your page to use only specified fonts, or if the browser used to read the page is set to substitute its own non-standard fonts.  The characters are included in the ISO (International Standards Organization) character set 8859-1, the default character set for HyperText Markup Language.

    This is not intended to show all the special text tags recognized in HTML, but simply those characters which are most widely recognized and seem useful for writing specialized text documents.  I believe I have included all the individual text characters other than letters, numbers, and "standard" English punctuation in the ISO character set.  Other characters may have to be inserted as graphics, or may depend on the person reading your page having installed the same font as you used.

Punctuation (English and other)Non-English characters (all)
French and Spanish charactersGermanic, Slavic and Scandinavian characters
Accents & diacritical marksTypographic symbols
Mathematical symbolsCurrency
Other special symbolsGreek letters

Description Desired
Numeric code Entity name
Punctuation (English and other)
Quotation mark"""""
Left brace (curly bracket){&#123{{{
Right brace (curly bracket)}&#125}}}
Left angle bracket«««««
Right angle bracket»»»»»
Soft hyphen­­­­­
Binding or fixed space [shown inside brackets][ ] [ ] [ ]
Right single angle quote mark››
En dash––
En dash alternate–&endash;&endash;
Em dash——
Em dash alternate—&emdash;&emdash;
Inverted exclamation¡¡¡¡¡
Inverted question mark¿¿¿¿¿
en dash––
Em dash——
Left single quotation mark'‘‘
Right single quotation mark'’’
Single low quotation mark‚‚
Left double quotation mark"““
Right double quotation mark"””
Low left rising single quote‚‚
low left rising double quote„„
left single angle quote mark‹‹
left single quotation mark'‘‘
right single quote mark'’’
left double quotation mark"““
right double quote mark"””
Double low quotation mark„„
low horizontal ellipsis……
Non-English characters, grouped by primary language usage
French and Spanish:
Capital A, acute accentÁÁÁÁÁ
Lowercase a, acute accentááááá
Capital A, grave accentÀÀÀÀÀ
Lowercase a, grave accentààààà
Capital A, circumflexÂÂÂÂÂ
Lowercase a, circumflexâââââ
Capital A, tildeÃÃÃÃÃ
Lowercase a, tildeããããã
Capital E, acute accentÉÉÉÉÉ
Lowercase e, acute accentééééé
Capital E, grave accentÈÈÈÈÈ
Lowercase e, grave accentèèèèè
Capital E, circumflexÊÊÊÊÊ
Lowercase e, circumflexêêêêê
Capital I, acute accentÍÍÍÍÍ
Lowercase i, acute accentííííí
Capital I, grave accentÌÌÌÌÌ
Lowercase i, grave accentììììì
Capital I, circumflexÎÎÎÎÎ
Lowercase i, circumflexîîîîî
Capital O, acute accentÓÓÓÓÓ
Lowercase o, acute accentóóóóó
Capital O, grave accentÒÒÒÒÒ
Lowercase o, grave accentòòòòò
Capital O, circumflexÔÔÔÔÔ
Lowercase o, circumflexôôôôô
Capital O, tildeÕÕÕÕÕ
Lowercase o, tildeõõõõõ
Capital U, acute accentÚÚÚÚÚ
Lowercase u, acute accentúúúúú
Capital U, grave accentÙÙÙÙÙ
Lowercase u, grave accentùùùùù
Capital U, circumflexÛÛÛÛÛ
Lowercase u, circumflexûûûûû
Capital Y, acute accentÝÝÝÝÝ
Lowercase y, acute accentýýýýý
Capital C, cedillaÇÇÇÇÇ
Lowercase c, cedillaççççç
Capital N, tildeÑÑÑÑÑ
Lowercase n, tildeñññññ
Germanic, Slavic and Scandinavian:
Capital A, diaeresis/umlautÄÄÄÄÄ
Lowercase a, diaeresis/umlautäääää
Capital A, ringÅÅÅÅÅ
Lowercase a, ringååååå
Capital AE diphthongÆÆÆÆÆ
Lowercase ae diphthongæææææ
Capital E, diaeresis/umlautËËËËË
Lowercase e, diaeresis/umlautëëëëë
Capital I, diaeresis/umlautÏÏÏÏÏ
Lowercase i, diaeresis/umlautïïïïï
Capital O, diaeresis/umlautÖÖÖÖÖ
Lowercase o, diaeresis/umlautööööö
Capital O, slashØØØØØ
Lowercase o, slashøøøøø
Capital OE ligatureŒŒŒŒŒ
Small OE ligatureœœœœœ
Capital U, diaeresis/umlautÜÜÜÜÜ
Lowercase u, diaeresis/umlautüüüüü
Capital Y, diaeresis/umlautŸŸŸŸŸ
Lowercase y, diaeresis/umlautÿÿÿÿÿ
Capital Edh (Icelandic)ÐÐÐÐÐ
Lowercase edh (Icelandic)ððððð
Capital Thorn (Icelandic)ÞÞÞÞÞ
Lowercase thorn (Icelandic)þþþþþ
Lowercase sharp s (German ss ligature)ßßßßß
Capital S, caron or hacekŠŠŠŠŠ
Small S, caron or hacekššššš
Accents & diacritical marks
Acute accent´´´´´
Umlaut (diaeresis)¨¨¨¨¨
Feminine ordinalªªªªª
Masculine ordinalººººº
Macron accent¯¯¯¯¯
Letter-modifying circumflexˆˆˆ[none] 
Tilde accent~~~˜˜
Small spacing tilde accent˜˜˜˜˜
Typographic symbols
Vertical bar|||||
Broken vertical bar¦¦¦¦¦
Round filled bullet••
Dagger mark††
Dagger (alternate)†[none] 
Double dagger mark‡‡
Mathematical symbols
Less than<&#60;<&lt;<
Greater than>&#62;>&gt;>
Plus or Minus±&#177;±&plusmn;±
Small italic f, function ofƒ&#131;ƒ&fnof;ƒ
Superscript one¹&#185;¹&sup1;¹
Superscript two²&#178;²&sup2;²
Superscript three³&#179;³&sup3;³
Micron/micro-/Greek letter Muµ&#181;µ&micro;µ
Per thousand (mille) sign&#137;&permil;
Middle dot/Multiply·&#183;·&middot;·
One fourth¼&#188;¼&frac14;¼
One half½&#189;½&frac12;½
Three fourths¾&#190;¾&frac34;¾
Pound Sterling£&#163;£&pound;£
Small italic f, Florinƒ&#131;ƒ&fnof;ƒ
General currency sign¤&#164;¤&curren;¤
Per thousand (mille) sign&#137;&permil;
Other special symbols
Trademark sign&#153;&trade;
Registered Trademark®&#174;®&reg;®
Greek letters
Note:  All 24 letters of the Greek alphabet (lower-case) are found in the standard "Symbol" font set found on most computers.  Therefore all you need to do is insert this tag before the desired letter:
<FONT FACE="Symbol">
and this tag after it:  </FONT>.  In between, place the appropriate English letter as shown to the right.  For example:
<FONT FACE="Symbol">a</FONT>  =  a.  

Of course this will only work if there is a typical "symbol" font set on the viewer's computer.

The order given is that of the Greek alphabet.  The English letters used are not necessarily related to the Greek pronunciation.
Greek letterEng. letter = Greek name Greek letterEng. letter = Greek name
aa = alpha bb = beta
gg = gamma dd = delta
ee = epsilon zz = zeta
hh = eta qq = theta
ii = iota kk = kappa
ll = lambda mm = mu
nn = nu xx = xi
oo = omicron pp = pi
rr = rho ss = sigma
tt = tau uu = upsilon
jj = phi cc = chi
yy = psi ww = omega


Note 1:  Characters typed using keypad numeric codes; if these do not show correctly, perhaps you have set your browser to substitute your selected fonts rather than standard fonts.  Not all font sets include all characters.  Check your settings.

Note 2:  If the character in this column is what the symbol should be, then the code to the left of it works in your browser.

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